The Irish Rock Women’s Club is a Charity Driven Women’s Club. Our slogan is "Networking for the Greater Good".
This group of women give their time to help raise funds with all our events to be able to support quite a few benefits, some of which are highlighted below. If you want to join, please contact us.
The membership is R 150 a year for admin and we meet on the last Thursday of every month. The rest of the communication is done via email and a WhatsApp group.
CANSA Shavathon
CANSA Shavathon is one of South Africa’s best-loved events in support of a very worthy cause, namely showing solidarity with those affected by cancer. Losing one’s hair is a common side-effect of cancer therapy - so shaving your head has become a symbolic gesture of support for cancer Survivors.
Colouring your hair or paying a Bail Out Fee have become options for those who prefer not to shave, or who can’t shave on the day. For those who like to be actively engaged and to make a difference, Shavathon embraces volunteers. Their support is invaluable.
Mug and Tree Community
The Mug and Tree Community Care Centre looks are an average of 45 kids whose parents are all drug addicts. We help them with food and schooling and have adopted 2 boys of which we take care.
The Epic Foundation
The Epic Foundation looks after rape victims. We help supply the goodie bags for the medical examination.
All animals matter! We support FORA and the SPCA Animal charities.
The Elderly
We support the elderly folk of our town.